September 1st we had Mason's First Birthday Party. We wanted to have the party when his aunts and uncles could make it. Almost everyone was there to help us celebrate this little man's birthday!!!We decided to have a football birthday party! I had a lot of fun planning and decorating for the party!
Masons first present the night before his party!
Adam always teases me that I have Mason's life in pictures.
Well here it is!
The garage! It was pouring down rain most of the day and was soooo hot and humid in the garage for his party! We were hoping that we would be able to let the kids play outside but between the rain and it just being muddy, we were all stuck in the garage.
Food table! This was my favorite! Happy Birthday banner made by me, and underneath is Mason's 12 month blanket pictures. It was so fun to have them up and see how Mason grew each month! Beside the pictures is the clothes he wore when he was born and the clothes he wears now!
Mason's smash cake
Football cupcakes
Football field cake
Thank You goodies! M&M's for much and many thanks for coming to Mason's party!!!
Mason's cake with the candles in it. The candles were too heavy and would stay up.
Mason with mommy and daddy.
DIG IN!!!!!
Just a little on his face!
Sharing with Jacob!
Anyone, Anyone want a bite?
Time for a bath!!!! Mason was so blessed with all of his friends and family that came to his party! He got lots and lots of stuff and has loved playing with all of it!!! Thanks too all that came!!!