September 13, 2011
I was 9 months pregnant, we had an induction schedule for tonight at midnight. I was ready to meet our little man. I went to work like a normal day. At 11:15 I had an appointment with Dr . Dietrich to discuss what would go on tonight for the induction. I was sitting on the table and Dr. Dietrich said " So we are going to induce tonight at midnight?" I replied " I think something just happened." Dr Dietrich lifted up the sheet and said "Your water just broke!" I guess baby Jones didn't want to wait until tonight to be born. She said I could go ahead and go home, get my bags, and come back to the hospital within 2 hours. So I called Adam on my walk back to daycare and asked him if he was ready, because it was happening NOW!!! He didn't believe me at first. I headed home, packed the car up and we left Palmyra at 1:10.
We got to the hospital and since they were expecting us we headed straight up to Labor and Delivery. They were waiting at the door for us and took us straight to the room. The nurses got a situated and checked me. I was still at a 2 and 90% effaced. So she called Dr. Dietrich and she suggested that they start me on pitocin as it had been a few hours since my water broke and I hadn't progressed any. It took until about 6:00pm for the hard contractions to start. I had all back labor. I did pretty good until about 7:00pm, the contractions were coming quickly and hard. The nurse suggested that i get some nubain to help me relax some. IT WORKED! I was so sleepy after they gave it to me that the next 3 hours flew by. Adam did amazing and stood by my side the whole time, helping me with each contraction. I couldn't have asked for a better coach!! About 9:30pm the nurse said I was fully dilated and could push a little if I felt the need. I thought in my head, wait I can't push I don't have an epidural. The time went so fast I forgot to ask for one, it was too late now! I pushed once and they told me to stop, he was right there and we needed to wait for the dr to come in. Dr Dietrich arrived about 9:45pm and I started pushing right away. I only had to push through 5 contractions and baby Jones was born at 10:04pm!!!!!!!
He was perfect!!! We couldn't have asked for anything more. Adam and I were so excited, happy, and BLESSED!!!! Baby Jones was 8lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. Baby Jones still didn't have a name. Adam and I went back and forth on names........I wanted Isaac and Adam wanted Mason. It was 11:30pm the next night before we decided to name him Mason Adam Jones. We went home on September 15.