We went for our 2 month check up today! The little guy is doing perfect Dr says. He is a little guy though, only in the 3rd percentile for height!!! Guess he got the Marshall (my mother's grandmother) genes! Adam and I were talking the day before about how tall Mason would be and he raised him up almost as tall as he is and said "I'm guessing this tall" I laughed and said "I think he has my genes on height." I was right this time!!!!
Mason had to get 3 shots this time. Daddy held his legs, another nurse held his arms, and a nurse and the dr gave him the shots, I turned my back and let my eyes water. the poor baby screamed like I have never heard him scream before! Daddy picked him up and snuggled with him. He did good that night, a little fussy in the evening but slept ok throughout the night.