2 months old- November 13, 2011
YOu are getting SO BIG! Thats what daddy says everyday and its so true. At 2 months you weigh 10lbs 2 oz and are 21 1/2 inches long. You are in the 25th percentile for weight and 3rd percentile for height...probably won't be playing much basketball, unless you've got moves like Muggsy Bogues. You love to "talk" now. And laugh, you think people are pretty funny, I only wish I knew what you were really thinking when you laugh at us!!!! You like to play peek-a-boo, and you like to read books. You're favorite is a peek-a-boo farm book right now, Of course! You tolerate tummy time for very SHORT periods, though we are working on this. You do have very good head control though when sitting up. You like the bumbo seat too, once again for short periods of time :)

My how you have grown!!!!!
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