4 months....really? You have grown soooo much in the last month and doing so much more. You weigh 15lbs 8 oz (40%) and are 24 1/2 in long (19%). You love your fists/fingers, they are always in your mouth and you drool all the time. Although I don't think you are cutting teeth, I have felt in your mouth several times and nothing there. You are so funny and make mommy and daddy laugh a lot. You laugh at everything! You are doing really good at tummy time and holding your head up high! Not rolling over yet, but thats ok you will get there. You are doing pretty good at night only waking up twice to eat, and then going right back to sleep. You are usually in bed about 8-830 and are up for the morning about 830-9, a very good sleeper. You still take about 3 to 4 naps a day, sometimes as long at 3 hours, but mostly between 1 and 2 hours.

Look at how you have grown!!!

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