Oh my little one how can you be 11 months already????? 21 lbs and eating like a little pig you are sure to catch up to the other boys soon! YOu are moving everywhere, and get so frustrated when mommy puts up the gates. You hate being "caged" in. You start walking along furniture this month and pushing a walker around. Only 1 more month and I am sure you will have this walking thing down pat. 
Taking your 11 month pictures were no easier than you 10 month! YOu were all over the place and we had to do 2 different photo shoots to get a decent picture.
You have the best laugh in the world! You laugh the most when you are tired, you sure get the sleepy sillies! You sometimes laugh so hard that you start to fall backwards. But most of the time you catch yourself and that makes you laugh harder.
We only have one more month of taking these pictures. Not sure yet what to do for your next set of pictures. I would like to continue though, its sure is fun looking back and seeing how you have grown!

Planning your first birthday party has been a lot of fun, I am just not sure I am ready for it to be here!
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